"The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there."
John Buchan
This quote from John Buchan reminds us that every human being is born with unique, innate strengths that can make them great.
The role of a leader is to acknowledge that everyone has these unique, innate abilities and strengths. The leader must identify, recognize, value, and nurture these unique, innate strengths and create an environment that allows them to explore and thrive to reach their full potential and achieve greatness.
A leader who can draw out the innate strengths in his team and make them achieve greatness shows them their superpowers, helping them realize their greatness.
Leadership helps unleash the superpower in others!
Reflective Questions
1. What obstacles prevent you from realizing your innate strengths, and how can you overcome them?
2. How can you help yourself identify team members' unique strengths to achieve their potential?
Suggested Readings:
What strategies have you used to bring out the best in yourself and others?
Practicing active listening
Creating a positive work environment
Offering mentorship/ Coaching
Providing growth opportunities
#leadershipstrategies #teamdevelopment #strengthsbasedcoaching #employeeempowerment #leadershipexcellence #collaborationiskey #workplaceculture #personaldevelopment #professionalgrowth #mentoring #feedback #celebratesuccess #setcleargoals #activelistening #flexibilityiskey #positiveworkenvironment
John Buchan Quotes. BrainyQuote.com, BrainyMedia Inc, 2024. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/john_buchan_166510, accessed January 13, 2024.